We've certainly packed a lot in to the past four weeks. Having a deadline certainly gives you focus. We managed to include a good few social events as well, catching up with friends before heading off. These catch ups always included food too. It was great to have breakfast with friends Bob and Debbie last weekend. They're about to head off with their car and caravan with no end date to their trip. It certainly puts ideas in your head.
We spent a great day in Melbourne a few weeks back, taking in the new Explore Australia Expo, and then following up with dinner and a show. Being dyed-in-the-wool Rocky Horror fans, we loved having the chance to see Craig McLachlan reprise the role of Frank. A great show!
We've had family celebrations too, with Matt turning a year older at the end of June and Liam officially becoming an adult today. Happy 21st Liam! We're having a small dinner tonight with some family and friends to mark this milestone. He wanted a new bed for his birthday, so we spent a great afternoon trying out all the possibilities in well-known bed stores around town. He now sleeps in the lap of luxury!
It was important to us to be here for his birthday, so our whole trip was planned with a departure date of tomorrow. Birthday - tick! Then we can go.
Trip preparation continued over the past month, with the camper set up in the driveway so it could be packed. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but the weather in Melbourne has been absolutely foul of late (apologies to my Scottish friends - it wasn't really that bad, I've just been here too long!) So instead of a quick set up, pack and fold down, the camper was up for over a fortnight. We could just never get it dry at the right time to get it folded down.
But the good thing is, everything fitted! I didn't think it would, but we're actually travelling ok for space. The kitchen table was laden with food and other things, the spare bed was covered in clothes and stuff, but eventually it's all found a home. The coffin is brilliant, it fits so much. So it's packed, the camper's packed, the car's packed. Phew!!!
In amongst all this planning, packing and socialising, we've also welcomed Matt, Nat, Tom and Charlotte to the household. They moved out of their rental last weekend, and into our house. It will be great for them to be able to save a bit of money while living here, and also good company for Liam. I have to say, from a Grandma's point of view, it's nice to be able to spend some time with them before we go.
I finished up at work yesterday, having counted down since what seems like months (it probably was months, now I think of it). It was a bit of a weird feeling handing over to my replacement, Casey. I was almost teary getting in the car at the end of the day and waving goodbye to my boss, Penny and all my good friends there, but that only lasted a minute or two. Once out the gate, thoughts turned quickly to the road ahead.
I did have a lovely surprise this week at work though. A surprise birthday celebration for me. I thought I would be able to quietly slip into the second half of my century unnoticed, but thanks to my office-mate Cathy, there was singing and cake (love the plaque on the cake - somehow it seems easier to take!!)
Not much left to do now except go. Hopefully we'll be on the road early tomorrow morning.
But in the meantime, there's a 21st birthday to celebrate.............. I think we should go out for lunch!!
Your blog looks great Jeannie, well done! Looks like someone likes beans a lot? Bet your glad to be away at last, I'll follow your progress on ExpolrOz with interest. Enjoy